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© 2024 Beehave Beverages Ltd

A bottle of Beesou All Natural Bitter Aperitif with a Beesou Spritz

Becoming Beesou

The co-founders of Beesou, Mark and Andrei, were always conscientious about what they put into their bodies, checking and reading product labels to ensure the ingredients are natural and sustainable. They noticed that the majority of alcohol brands don't list ingredients, and it took some investigating to learn that many drinks brands use E numbers to colour the liquid. A necessary objective right from the start was to create a drink that listed all ingredients on the bottle, with no hint of artificial colours or flavours.

Beesou bee icon

For the Love of Bees

You shouldn't have to compromise on knowing what you are putting into your body when enjoying a drink, but at the same time high end brands should never be produced at the expense of the environment. So Mark and Andrei fell in love with the idea of making a premium aperitif from ethically sourced ingredients and raw British honey, that increases awareness about saving the bees while raising money for bee charities to support ethical bee keeping.

The Unique Beesou Liquid

Beginning with consultation of ethical beekeepers, the founders then worked with a multi-award-winning wine oenologist experienced in fruit wines, and a leading beverage specialist, to create the unique blend of honey wine-based aperitif. It took two years and hundreds of trials and tastings to develop Beesou into a uniquely complex, but delicate and smooth bitter aperitif that tastes like it has been kissed by honey.

Beesou with a Purpose

Beesou is not a traditional drinks brand, it is in fact a category definer as Beehave Beverages is a confirmed B Corporation, with 10% of profits going to the Bees For Development charity.